Our Services
We offer a comprehensive package of assessment and management to private and corporate clients.
Men's & Women Health
Brickworks medical offeres a one stop comprehensive medical assessment tailored to men, which looks at your current physical health and gives you a picture of what your health is like and what it will be like in the future. Book in for a assessment while your healthy and aviod a mid-life medical crisis.
Health Check
As we get older, many of us become more vulnerable to illness. The federal government has recently introduced a new health check. It is for everyone aged between 45 and 49 who may be at risk of developing a health complaint, like diabetes or heart disease. The aim of the health check is to help find, prevent or lessen the effect of disease. After all, it is better to avoid disease than to treat it. This health check will give us the opportunity to look at your lifestyle and medical/family history to find out if you are at risk
Smoking Cessation
Quitting smoking can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding things a person can do. Most smokers' say they would like to quit, and may have tried at least once. Some are successful the first time, but many other people try a number of times before they finally give up for good. Come and speak to one of our doctors about quitting smoking for good.
Injury Management
• Triage of injuries
• Managing work-related illness or injury
• Assessment of work capacity
• Workcover Certificates issued
• Communication with the Employer, Insurance Companies, Case Managers and Rehabilitation providers
• An aim to assist the employee’s recovery to return to pre-injury duties in the shortest timeframe possible
Premium Care
We provide a high level of service to all our clients.
Why settle for second best, contact us today and feel the difference.